NW-AIRQUEST 2011 Annual Meeting

Wednesday, June 1st, 1:00 PM – 5:30 PM

1:00Welcome, introductions, agenda and logistics (Joe Vaughan/Brian Lamb, WSU)
1:20NW-AIRQUEST Budget Discussion (Rob Elleman, Bruce Louks, Jeff Johnston, Phil Allen, and others)
1:50Update on the status of the revised Charter (Wes Risher, Rob Elleman)
2:10WRAP v2.0 – An Update on the Activities of the Western Regional Air Partnership (Bob Kotchenruther, EPA)
2:40Permitting data centers: statistical approach to intermittent sources (Clint Bowman, Ecology)
3:40Phil’s survey of burning behavior vs. temperature (aka “log your log”) (Erik Saganic, PSCAA)
4:20Recent study looking at new approaches to diesel particulate matter source apportionment (Erik Saganic, PSCAA)
4:50PM2.5 Carbon Measurements in EPA Region 10 (Bob Kotchenruther, EPA)
5:30Adjourn for the day

Thursday, June 2nd, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM

8:30 Welcome remarks from Howard Grimes, WSU Dean of Graduate School
8:35WSU climate change study (Rodrigo Gonzales, WSU/LAR)
WSU dust modeling study (Serena Chung, WSU/LAR) 
WSU pollen study (Serena Chung, WSU/LAR)
9:30Boise data analysis and modeling (WSU and IDEQ)
10:20AIRPACT & ClearSKY: current status and future plans (~2 hours)
— Satellite Work at WSU/LAR (Farren Herron-Thorpe, WSU/LAR )
AIRPACT-3 Annual Report and Status (Joe Vaughan , WSU/LAR) 
       w/ Status of SMARTFIRE for Wildfire Processing for AIRPACT-n
ClearSKY Annual Report and Status (Joe Vaughan, WSU/LAR)
AIRPACT-4 preliminary results (Brian Lamb, WSU/LAR)
— BioEarth Project
— REACCH Project
— Complex Terrain Winds Study
1:30Identification of UTLS and fire influence on Ozone in AQ data (Dr. Dan Jaffe, Professor Univ Washington-Bothell)
2:30Ecological deposition workgroup (Tonnie Cummings, NPS) – presentation via GoToMeeting
3:30Western Canada version of the BlueSky system
 (Steve Sakiyama, BC Ministry of Environment (the provincial agency) – presentation via GoToMeeting
4:00What is going on at Environment Canada? (Andrew Teakles, Env. Canada) – presentation via GoToMeeting
4:30Potential Role of Secondary Organic Aerosols to PM2.5 in Klamath Falls Oregon
(Kelley Barsanti, Portland State Univ; Serena Chung, WSU; and Abdullah Mahmud, Portland State Univ)
5:00Open discussion and wrap up
5:30Adjourn for the day

Friday, June 3rd, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

8:00Portland Air Toxics Study update (Phil Allen, ODEQ)
8:30Classification And Regression Tree (CART) – air quality forecasting in the Treasure Valley (Yayi Dong, IDEQ)
9:00Status of the Near-road NO2 Monitoring Pilot Study (Bruce Louks, IDEQ)
10:00Development of local MOVES inputs in the Treasure Valley (co-presenting – Jennifer Cole and Wei Zhang, IDEQ)
10:30Nitrate in Columbia River (Ranil Dhammapala, WA Ecology)
11:00Source Apportionment of Aerosols at Rural IMPROVE Monitoring Locations Throughout the Pacific Northwest
(Bob Kotchenruther, EPA)
11:30Potential WSU monitoring study
12:00Adjourn the Annual Meeting